book club

Novel’s Book Club is an opportunity to share your love of lit with the community we've built around our little bookshop. Each month we'll be selecting a book from our drops which we'll be discussing at the events the following month.

Everyone is welcome at our events, always!

The club is not a subscription service, you opt to attend on a monthly basis, so you don't feel as though you have to commit if you're busy or not interested in our selection for that month.

You can attend by buying a ticket from our site here.

The ticket price includes:

  • Purchasing the book
  • Delivery costs
  • A free drink at our event


How we operate:

Thinking of joining a Novel book club but want to know more about the format? 💭 This post is for you!

💖📖 How Novel book clubs work:

I give attendees 4-6 weeks before we meet from the date of our ticket sale. There is no pressure to finish the entire book, and I encourage people to still attend if they don't mind spoilers!

Roughly 3 days before we meet, I send out a list of 8 - 12 questions that we'll discuss during the event, and give everyone who is attending the opportunity to add to the question list. I am always mindful of people being nervous about contributing, so I'd emphasise that everyone is welcome at Novel's book clubs and everyone who has attended so far is lovely!

There is a 'thumbs up' system if you'd like to share with the group, I try to make sure everyone's voices are heard.

We have a 5-10 minute break 45 mins in, and then after the event is done, we usually hang about after and stay for a drink. My mission in that hour is to make things as chilled and welcoming as possible, and my hope is that everyone leaves feeling somewhat enriched by the conversation/community of bookworms/great beverages & snacks



If you have any accessibility requirements, please let us know prior to the event so by dropping us an email ( or leave a note on your purchase of the ticket and we'll do everything we can to ensure that our event is accessible to all.